Weekend Writing Warriors 11 – Psyche


Weekend Writing Warriors / #8sunday / 02/12/17

If you want to read other writer’s work, meet those writers, or participate yourself, stop on by Weekend Writing Warriors. Every week writers get together here to share their work, published or unpublished.

My 8-sentence excerpt this week is from my newest release – Psyche. It’s the first novella in the Myths of Olympus series.

——– Psyche ——–

“Surely you will not deny that your presence there would attract more men to her worship.  What goddess would refuse such an offering as that?”

“And if the men come to place their worship at my feet instead of hers?  What then?”

“Then they are fools and she will curse them.”

Psyche sighed and bent over to rest her head on her mother’s knees.  “I feel she has cursed me in their place,” she admitted. … “What have I done to anger Aphrodite so that she would deny me love?”

——– End of snippet ——–

psyche-1Psyche is a beautiful maiden reaching the end of her cultural prime. She is flattered and worshiped by men everywhere, but has never received an offer of marriage and despairs she ever will.

Eros is the god of love. He lives to inspire love between mortals and give them their “happily ever afters” but has yet to find his own goddess with whom he can share eternity.

Aphrodite, the goddess of love and Eros’ mother, is jealous of Psyche’s beauty and the love she inspires in mortal men. For this reason, she sends Eros to punish Psyche by making her fall in love with a hideous beast. When Eros sees her, however, he falls in love and risks his mother’s wrath by taking the mortal for his wife.

When a foolish act of doubt separates them, Psyche must gather her courage and find strength to fight for their love and reunite them once more.

Psyche (Book 1 of Myths of Olympus) by Kathryn St. John is available for $0.99 on Amazon as an ebook.

*** HOWEVER!!! All through the week of Valentine’s Day (Feb 13 – 17), Psyche will be FREE to download on Amazon!! It’s all in the name of love. You’re welcome! ***


And if you’re interested in more writing groups, there’s Snippet Sunday on FB. Go check them out to discover more authors!

Author: Katie St. John-Shin

I believe in living life and not letting it pass you by. I mean, come on, if you really want to do something but don't have the courage to do it so you let the opportunity disappear, you may regret it for the rest of your life. How can you know what you're capable of unless you go for it? Like every writer, I naturally plan on becoming world-famous (not really). I love reading, writing, fitness, coffee, watching my favorite movies/shows, listening to music, and trying new things even if they're sometimes terrifying. I'm a writer, a group fitness instructor, a personal trainer, and a nutter for doing all of the above.

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